Wednesday, September 17, 2008

CHF - Diastole

FIGURE 17.12. Schematic of different Doppler patterns seen in healthy subjects and patients with varying stages of diastolic dysfunction. Top: The mitral inflow pattern recorded from the apex of the left ventricle. Middle: Pulmonary vein flow. Bottom: Doppler tissue imaging recorded from the mitral valve anulus. In general, the appearance of grade 4 dysfunction is similar to that of grade 3. Clinically, grade 4 is considered irreversible, whereas the grade 3 pattern will revert to grade 2 with maneuvers that reduce LV filling acutely or after successful therapy. See text for further details. A, A-wave reversal; D, diastole; S, systole.

FIGURE 17.13. Example of a patient with a pseudonormal mitral inflow pattern (grade 2 diastolic dysfunction). Note the E/A ratio of approximately 1.8 but the reduced systolic velocity in the pulmonary veins. D, diastole, S, systole.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Understanding and interpreting your Transthoracic Echocardiogram.

I think that most of the aortic root measurements can be obtained using different "views". I understand the "Left para-sternal long axis view" best.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Z-Scale Chart

The horizontal axis (x-axis) is Body Surface Area axis. Calculate your Body Surface Area by going to this site:, and typing in the required values.

Now if your BSA is 1.79 (height 192cm, weight 60kg), look in the chart, on the horizontal axis, and mark a point approximately where 1.79 lies. Now check if your aortic root at Sinuses of Valsalva fall within the safe zone (the greyed out area). For "Young adults" with a BSA of 1.79, the safe aortic diameters are from 2.5 to 3.4 cm diastole.

The Aorta is a long pipe that is NOT uniform in diameter. Measuring the aortic diameter at a random location, via a echo-cardiogram or CT, is of no use if your purpose is to compare your aortic diameter against a statistically significant percentage of the population, which is what the Z scale is all about. The reading is taken at the Sinuses of Valsalva at diastole! Also note that: what is considered a "safe" aortic value may vary, as indicated by the second and third image. The second image is taken from: "Essential Echocardiography - Scott Solomon" and the third one from: "Feignebaum's Echocardiography, 6e". The most accurate way is to compare your body mass using the Z-scale ans see if you lie within a statistics based safe zone.

Note the 4 positions where you need to take the aortic measurements for Marfan's patients. The radiographic view is the PLAX - Parasternal Long Axis View and the mode is 2 Dimensional (2D mode).

Useful doc's that are available on Rapidshare.

1. Usefulness of Enalapril Versus Propranolol or Atenolol
for Prevention of Aortic Dilation in Patients With the
Marfan Syndrome

2. Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor Mediates Vascular Smooth
Muscle Cell Apoptosis in Cystic Medial Degeneration
Associated With Marfan’s Syndrome

3. The third word document contains the Ahimastos/perindopril article. You need to scroll down a bit within the doc.

[Please tell me if any links go inactive due to disuse. If people don't download from Rapidshare within x number of days, they purge the download.]